Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA) Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA)

Workshop on Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications – June 13, 2025 – SIGMETRICS 2025

This workshop will cover recent results as well as new, emerging directions in the rapidly-advancing field of learning-augmented algorithms, also known as algorithms with predictions or algorithms with ML advice. This nascent area, at the intersection of TCS and ML, studies the interplay between ML and the design/analysis of algorithms with strict, provable performance guarantees. The workshop aims to provide a forum for recent developments in the design, analysis, and application of learning-augmented algorithms, including topics such as:

This area has blossomed in recent years, both in terms of foundational theoretical results but also in terms of exciting applications across a broad range of settings, such as streaming algorithms, online scheduling, clustering, filtering, online matching, caching, system control, cloud computing, and many others. Some recent workshops/seminars on this topic include the Workshop on Algorithms with Predictions at EPFL in 2022, the Workshop on Algorithms with Predictions at STOC 2022 and STOC 2020, Machine Learning for Algorithms at FODSI, 2021, and the previous iterations of this workshop at SIGMETRICS 2023 and 2024.

Workshop Organizers:

Steering Committee: