Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA)

Main Workshop in Room 9B


The workshop will be held in Room 9B of Venice International University on San Servolo Island, with the poster session located in the coffee break area. For details on transportation to and from the island, please see the main SIGMETRICS site.

Talks in this room:
 9:10 ! Live

Opening Remarks


 9:15 ! Live

Learning-Augmented Online Algorithms: The Case for the Infused Advice Model and an Application to Datacenter Switch Buffer Sharing with ML Predictions

Stefan Schmid

 10:00 ! Live

Short Poster Talks (5 minutes each)

Poster Authors

 10:45 ! Live

Poster Session & Coffee Break

Poster Authors

 11:45 ! Live

Sorting and Priority Queues with Predictions

Christian Coester

 12:30 ! Live

Approximation Algorithms with Predictions

Adam Polak

 13:15 ! Live

Closing Remarks
